Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pixie Pash

  I have always had long or medium-length hair, except for a short time in 1996-97 when I was pregnant with my son, who is now almost 15.  I have found myself having my longer hair pinned up or ponytailed, especially at work, so I decided to cut it.  In the last year I have been experimenting with short bob cuts and liking the way they slimmed my face, so in recent weeks, after a few trims and some scanning the internet for cute short cuts, I have ended up with a pixie cut.

  I was very glad I "softened" myself up for this by getting the shorter and shorter bobs in preparation, because this is SHORT.  Boy-short.  My hair seems to be only an inch long in places!!   It is a bit startling still every time I look in the mirror, but I have to admit, I am LOVING it.  It's quick to wash and dry, easy to style, will be simple to highlight at home, and I can even let it air dry and it still looks cute.  I'm now out the door so much faster for work.  It's cool and I'm loving the feel of the breeze on my neck.  I still feel a bit masculine in t-shirts so I find myself consciously choosing to wear increasingly feminine scrub tops for work and frilly, fluttery Peter Pan collars and floral prints at other public times.  I have decided that British actress Carey Mulligan is my style muse, with her own pixie cut and vintage, feminine style.  I love the juxtaposition of the short, layered, pixie hair we both have against the really girly clothes.   I love wearing tons of eye makeup now because short hair really brings attention to your face.  I have never in my life received so many compliments on my hair, either!  Todd likes it but he likes anything I like, he has never been fussy about my hairstyles.

 Right now I don't see myself letting it grow very much.  That may change as time goes on, and thank goodness hair grows if so....but for right now, I'm a Pixie Chick.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dreams of Joplin

 Two nights ago, I had a very weird dream.  Very real.  Very sad.

  For some reason, I was in Joplin, MO.  I have never been to Joplin.  I have been to Springfield, MO, about an hour or two south of Joplin, but never to Joplin.  Yet, there I was.  I was standing in a grove of trees, maybe apple trees, in a fairly rural-looking setting, yet I knew I was in Joplin.   How did I know?  Was it one of those weird dream things, where you just KNOW?

Or maybe it was the fact that there was a huge, huge, dark cloud on the ground, far away, and it was racing towards me.

  Yes, that was how I knew I was in Joplin, MO.  The tornado.  There it was, roaring towards me, just like in the myriad videos and photos in the media that we have all seen.   It was very, very dark blue, almost black...very wide, so wide that I could almost not tell where it began and where it ended across the horizon.  It was strangely silent as it spun directly towards the grove of trees I stood rooted in.  Somehow, the dream was as if the destruction of Joplin had already happened, as if I KNEW what havoc, what devastation, what grief, what loss it had already caused, and I knew if I didn't move, it would destroy me, too.

 So, unlike in most scary dreams where you need to run but your feet are stuck fast to the ground, I was able to turn and run towards a tall, white farmhouse in the distance.  Suddenly there were other people around me, all running in the same direction.  I sensed this was the family who lived in the house.  They were strangers, faceless and nameless, but it didn't matter, we were all of one mind, to save ourselves and one another.  Suddenly we were inside the house and all running towards a bathroom on the lower level of the house, one that had a very large, claw-footed, old-fashioned bathtub.  We all clambered into it in an orderly way, no pushing or shoving, though we were all terror-filled.  I was sitting at the very back.  We drew the shower curtain that was hanging there around us and covered our heads with it.  We waited and prayed.  We bent ourselves double to protect each other.

  Suddenly the tornado was upon us, roaring, smashing, sounding like a locomotive, screaming, as we were.   Glass broke around us, boards flew, walls shook.  But at the end of the storm, that house somehow still stood around us.  The next thing I remember, we were walking outside to a desecrated yard, road, landscape.  It looked and was very much like all the photos of a broken Joplin that we have all seen in recent weeks.  Barren...wartorn...gone.  The apple trees I had been standing among were all broken stumps.

  After that I woke up.  It was time to get up.  I went about my day but that dream haunted me, still does, two nights later.  Why did I dream of Joplin, MO?  After all, something very similar and devastating happened to an even larger area and number of people right here in our own state on April 27, 2011.   I have never been to Joplin, MO and know no one there.  However, over the past couple weeks, I have become aware of a wonderful young man named Will Norton who graduated from Joplin High School on May 22, 2011.  He was all smiles in all the photos I have seen of him and especially of his graduation day in his burgundy cap and gown with his friends...a beautiful, brilliant, talented 18-year-old boy who even had his own YouTube Channel, located here:   Will was planning to go to college in CA and study film...but on the afternoon of May 22, 2011, as he drove home from his graduation ceremony with his dad, the Joplin tornado crossed his path and hit his SUV.  The sunroof was open and his father desperately clung to Will, trying so hard to hold onto his son that both of his arms were broken.  The tornado ultimately won the battle and Will was sucked away.  Mark, his father, was hospitalized with massive injuries, and Will was missing for almost a week before his body was found.  It was heartbreaking for everyone who had followed the story.  Will's father is slowly recovering...his body will heal but not so his heart.   Will also leaves behind his mother and sister, and his Aunt Tracey who kept everyone updated on the search and the recovery of Will.  Her faith has been an inspiration to everyone.

 Maybe, too, it was a video I watched on Sunday night that was just chilling.  It was storm chaser/meterologist who actually CHASED the Joplin tornado that afternoon, and who came upon the immediate aftermath in a populated area.  He was crying as he talked, as he surveyed the damage to lives and homes.
That video can be seen here:

 Maybe it was just the sheer number of deadly tornadoes our country has seen this spring.  What would we all do if one like that came through our area?  Do you know where in your home you would go?  What if you, like Will and his dad, were out driving?  Could anyone survive a tornado like that if you were directly in its path?

 I don't know why I dreamed what I did.  Maybe God was trying to help me gain a greater understanding of what these people went through so I'd have even more sympathy, or maybe for another reason.  I just know it was very real, very scary, and if it gave me one-tenth of the sheer terror that the people of Joplin, Tuscaloosa, Pleasant Grove, AL, Birmingham, Minneapolis, MN, Massachusetts, etc. have experienced in the last six weeks, then I hope I have gained an even better perspective of why we should all do everything we can to help these people in these areas, of why they need our prayers and sympathy, donations, anything at all we can do. So many lives were lost and changed forever on April 27, 2011 and May 22, 2011, and even last week in Minnesota and Massachusetts.

We also shouldn't think that it can't happen here.   Or wherever it is that you live.  Be safe!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Proverbs 25:13 Saves the Day

  After a particularly hellacious week last week (never mind, apparently, that it was Holy Week) that included a truck crashing into our clinic building at work and the sudden death of an old friend, I was really hoping to have a GOOD Monday.  Not necessarily a winning-the-lottery, roses-and-wine kind of day, but know...pleasant.  Sometimes I think my perception of my work day is heavily dependent upon my attitude, which tends toward the bad and the ugly sometimes...but I really think even Mother Teresa would have had a hard time keeping her cool today:

 1.) The minute I walked in this morning, it became immediately clear that the fax machine, which is the bane of my existence first thing on Monday mornings, had jammed over the weekend.  How did I know this, standing 20 feet away in the lobby?  Oh, um...maybe it was because there was not the usual Monday morning REAM of paper sitting on it, mocking me before I have even had a sip of my coffee.  This happily meant that I had to un-jam it and then wait for it to print all the refill requests and medical reports before I could even contemplate finishing pulling all the charts for said reports...which in turn delayed me from doing my usual morning officekeeping chores.  Scrumptious day already.

2.) The phone never...and I mean NEVER...stopped ringing once the answering service was turned off from the weekend.  I kid you not.  Thank goodness we only have two outside lines available to the public or I would have been in a fetal position in the corner mumbling to myself, or either sucking my thumb, by the end of the day.

3.) I won't even go into the widespread derangement syndrome I witnessed today in  people (Full Moon, anyone? Was it?) that further made the day seem increasingly intolerable.  That would be un-Christian.

4.) I had had a vacation day approved weeks ago for this Thursday, because my two youngest children are leaving at approximately 5 am for Orlando with their school band for the weekend.  This means, of course, getting up at about 3 am and getting their last-minute things together, lots of hugs and kisses and Mom-admonitions about being careful, after which of course I will NOT be able to go back to sleep.  After having gone through this last April when our son went for the first time, I had promised myself to take the day off this year so I could relax and not have to go to work on a disrupted sleep pattern.  Well, today I was asked that because our schedule is so heavy on Thursday, would I please reconsider taking the day off?  Well, what could I say...NO?  So kiss the vacation day goodbye...duty calls.  *sigh*

 I was near tears by this time...truly.  I decided to take a VERY quick break and check my e-mail, and I was so glad I did, because God was reaching out to me.  Truly, it was one of those 'God's mysterious ways' moments....I receive a daily devotional e-mail and this one was just what I needed.  It was Proverbs 25:13:  Trustworthy messengers refresh like snow in summer.  They revive the spirit of their employer.  Then the devotional went on to clarify this verse:  It is often difficult to find people you can really trust.  A faithful employee ("messenger") is punctual, responsible, honest, and hardworking.  This person is invaluable as he or she helps to take some of the pressure off his or her employer. (Wow!)  Then, as an admonition to the reader, the devotional writer added, "Find out what our employer needs from you to make his or her job easier, and do it".

 Well, what could I possibly feel after that, after God put His hand on my shoulder and said, "Cool it, kiddo.  You are NEEDED around are good at what you do.  Their asking you to work Thursday is not to rain on your parade, but because they can depend on you to work hard and be a team player to get through the day.  It's a COMPLIMENT.
Job well done, Leigh...and keep it up."   I mean...that was what He was trying to make me see by sending me that particular verse and devotional TODAY...I am NEEDED and a big part of what we do each day at my job, and my diligence and skill really help my sweet employer, who has been so good to me in so many ways.

 My anger dissolved and my attitude improved...oh, not took a little while of soaking up what God had said to a Turtle Fudge sundae from Brusters that a pharmeceutical rep brought in didn't hurt one bit (my waistline might beg to differ).  But by the time we closed up for the day, I was happier, less stressed, less annoyed and really pretty much okay with working Thursday.   I am also filled with hope for a BETTER day tomorrow.  And you know, things could always be so much worse.  I might not even have a job and need one desperately, like so many people out there these days.

 Plus...I really didn't need to use the vacation hours, anyway.  Thanks, God. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

It's Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified.  "Good" seems a misnomer, doesn't it?  but yet it IS's beautiful because God loved us soo much that he let His only Son die for us.  For us!  For all of us.  Every last stinking one of us.  No matter how bad we are, no matter what we have done, all we must do is repent, ask for forgiveness and turn our hearts for good, towards Him...and we are saved.

  I have managed to convince the family that we must return to Mass, so we are planning to attend Easter Vigil tomorrow night at St. Michael's.  I was unable to yet talk any of them into going to Reconciliation, or confession, though.  Doing so is an intensely personal decision, though, and they will just come to this as they are ready.  I was ready yesterday when I came home from work.  I was hot, tired from a stressful week at work, one of the most stressful I've had since I went back to work.  However, I felt this strong tug towards the 5 pm Holy Thursday confession session, and so after talking Taylor into going along for mere company on the drive, we set out.

  God placed a friend in the lobby of the church for me to encounter and further strengthen my resolve.  We talked and she was so kind and encouraging about what I was doing, and we planned to see one another on Saturday night at the Vigil.  I went into the
church and stood in line.  Fortunately due to the high volume of people wanting confession, both priests were occupying the two confessionals, so it didn't take long for my turn to come.  I'm so thankful I went.  I felt clean and good when I left.  I can only pray that my beloved family will follow suit as God leads them to do so.

 I don't blame my family for believing that this will not last.  For the past few years I have led us AWAY from the Catholic church...but I pray that "Margaret" is back and nothing will deter me from being where I need to Mass.

Happy, Blessed Easter!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have exactly TWO followers, so I apologize to those two for not writing in over a month.

Lots going on.  It is now the Lenten season and we still have not been to Mass in ages.  It's nearly like I have given up going to Mass for Lent, but that's not the case.  Actually, I cannot even decide YET on what to give up.  I am SO not disciplined.  I love Jesus with all my heart and soul and, as a former Protestant who still thinks more like a Protestant, I believe I am already saved through God's Grace and Jesus' death on the cross.   However, as a converted Catholic, I feel guilty about not going to Mass or yet being able to give up anything for Lent successfully.  I am so confused.

It's now spring break and Taylor had her wisdom teeth out yesterday morning.  It's Day #2 and she is miserable today, cheeks puffy, hurting.  I'm supposed to return to work tomorrow but I may not if she isn't feeling a whole lot better.  It wrenches me to think of leaving her, even if Todd is here. We are resting and watching the news about the terrible earthquake/tsunami/nuclear issues in Japan, and Taylor is sleeping a lot.  I keep thinking there won't be many more times I can nurse and pamper her since she is almost I'm doing it with all my heart.  Work can wait another day.

The Japan thing is so sad, so scary, so horrible.  Japan is a place I'd love to visit someday and now I wonder if it will ever be the same.  Probably not.  I am praying in my heart for all those people.  Such good, kind, beautiful people.  The losses are staggering and heartbreaking.  The news is showing parents screaming for their children who were swept away by the's almost unbearable to see.  It's wonderful and amazing to me that the people are not looting or otherwise taking advantage of the bad situation for their own gain.  That would not be the case here, I'm sorry to say.  Certain people always manage to make a bad thing even worse.

On Friday, my little sister Emily will find out where she and Walker are to spend the next three years of her residency and internship as a pediatrician.  It boggles my mind to think that my baby sister is two months away from being a doctor.  Emily Fain, M.D.  How wild is that?  I'm so proud of her!  I pray she gets a place she wants and will love.

I will write more another day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm on the Twitter!

  I signed up for Twitter almost 3 years ago but never saw the point until now.  How much fun is it to see instantly what is going on in the world, depending on who you follow?  To announce your ever-changing thoughts whenever you feel like it?  To post a wonderful quotation that has inspired you at that moment?  I may get tired of it sooner rather than later, but for right now I am loving it.  

 I hope I don't get annoying...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Leigh Day

 Today is my birthday.  I decided to take the day off, as I have not had my birthday off and to myself in 4 years.  My favorite thing to do on mornings off is to sit in my recliner with a tall fast-food coffee, my laptop and with cheesy TV shows on like "A Baby Story" and "Say Yes to the Dress" that, I am doing.

 I have so many wonderful friends!  I have received so many sweet wishes on Facebook and by e-mail and text message, from family, too.  You kind of expect it from family but when you hear from so many friends from all different parts of your life, it is very special.

 I am 43 years old today and it is hard to believe.  In 1981, I was 13 when Natalie Wood drowned at age 43 and I remember thinking it seemed old, even though I knew she was still too young to die.   When I was even younger, around 6, a friend's older brother tried to scare his sister and me by saying that Martians were coming in the year 2011 and would blow up the earth.  I scoffed along with my friend, even as we stole nervous glances at one another.  I went home and did the math and figured that in the year 2011,  I would be 43 when the Martians blew up the world.  That seemed SO OLD at the time and so far away, and I pushed it to the back of my mind.

 So....this is the year.
Somehow, I am not that worried.

 I plan to spend the day doing fun things that I enjoy and having a great lunch with my husband, and just enjoying my time off today to be at home and be me.  I think that's how everyone should celebrate their special day...just being themselves.  I might even have a piece of cake. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

OK, it's me again...

It's me, Leigh, formerly known by a few (a very few) as Speaking Literaleigh, or Literaleigh Speaking.  Yeah....that confusion is representative of my first blog...the blog I rarely posted on.  With the new year, however, I am trying to turn over a new leaf and begin writing more.  I miss it.

 What's with the title of this new attempt?  Well, it's kinda simple.  "Margaret" has always been my very favorite girl's name in the world.  I didn't get to use it for either of my daughters because Todd would not have it....something about it reminded him of someone he had worked with in the past.

 When I was 20 and a college student, I converted to Roman Catholicism (more about that later) and when it came time to choose a saint's name for my confirmation name, there was no would be Margaret, and in the Catholic Church, I became such.  (Years later when my oldest daughter was being confirmed, she, too, chose Margaret.  She still has a chance to name a daughter Margaret someday, and I hope she will.)

 But I digress...I hope to write a LOT about my Catholic faith (and sometimes, the lack thereof) so I felt that I should title it by my confirmation name.  Margaret.  My alter ego.